Thursday, June 23, 2011

Tomorrow is the big move

Tomorrow we are packing up our ghetto little place and moving to Montana. When I tell people wer are mopving to Montana the only response I get is "Montana!? whats in montana!!". My thoughts exactly.  I am excited, scared, sad, and overwhelmed all at the same time. I excited for a new adventure, job, and place to live but I am sad to leave all my friends and family and life in Utah. Lets face it....who wants to come and visit Montana? So I know I will be saying farewell to some dear friends for awhile until we move again to hopefully somewhere where people actually WANT to visit :). I have a feeling these next 2 years are going to be some of the hardest but best times of my life. Ready or not its coming so I just hope I can have a positive attitude about everything. If you ever find my complaining on my blog please remind to to stay positive haha! Thanks to all my friends who have been there for me and made life fun. I will miss you guys more than you know but you have not gotten rid of my yet! I will be back! :)


  1. Ah! Exciting! I bet you'll grow to love Montana (isn't that always what happens? Not liking it at first, but loving it by the end..) -- or maybe you'll love it right off :) Either way... good luck!! Can't wait to read about your life there!

  2. I'm excited for your new adventure! Everything will turn out just fine. Just think of it as a two year mission? Ha! Good luck to you and Matt. We will be thinking of ya!

  3. Cat-LYN! Don't be sad! Montanie is beautiful. not quite sure about billings but the good thing is you can drive not very far to some of the prettiest places in the country! Remember to bloom where you are planted! Before you know it you will be on to the next big adventure!

  4. good luck! we're moving to Virginia in a month and I am so scared too. keep blogging-I'm looking forward to hearing all about it!
