Monday, January 17, 2011

Little Devil

Okay so my dog is 7 months old now and Im pretty sure she's going through lets call them the "teen years". My sweet little pup has been a hellian lately. Examples.

1. We make her lay on her dog bed at the middle of the night I will wake up, turn my head, and there is my dog laying her head on my pillow staring at me. Creepy? A little. The little turd waits til we are asleep and jumps up on our bed and makes herself comfortable.
2. She decided one day to take off on her own. She's always been good about staying in the yard and one day i went out and called her name and no answer. After 5 minutes of looking like an idiot walking down the street yelling her name i started to freak out. I get a phone call 10 minutes later telling me that they have my dog at....KMART! Kmart is across the highway and like 2 miles down the road! I dont know how she got there but needless to say she got a good spankin.
3. After loosing trust I decided to leave her alone outside for a whole 2 minutes. Yep, she ran away again. This time I found her in a neighborhood across the highway just sniffing away. Im sure timeout in the bathroom for 30 minutes will teach her a lesson.
4. After bath time she so graciously went and layed on our bed to make sure the bed was nice and wet too.
5. Her little puppy nibble has now turned into a not so comfortable dog bite when shes playing. My hands look like I have a little cutting problem.
6. She is the greatest whiner. She will whine until you take her on a think im joking come over and time how long she can whine until she gets her way. I have a premadona dog.

I am hoping this is just a doggy phase and I can eventually have my sweet puppy back. I guess thats what my mom probably thought about me during my teen years too! :)
Dont let her face fool you


  1. Oh she is a little stinker!! Her getting in bed with you guys cracks me up but that would be creepy!!

  2. Haha it cracks me up she went to KMART. Your dog is so funny...I love that she stairs at you when you sleep...creepy...yes. Haha. Hope things are great and your hub's interview went good.

  3. Love to read the things that are going on in your life!
    Sorry about Oakley being such a little stink! Hope things get better. Maybe you could take her to doggy obedience school.:)
    Love ya,
    Gma Pug
